Out-group biases in social cognition
Last updated on
Nov 14, 2024
One of the most replicated findings in psychological research is the Other-Race Effect, which demonstrates that individuals are better at identifying faces from their own race compared to faces from other races. In our lab, we investigate the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying this effect and examine how it influences interactions with others.
Representative publications:
Hoo Keat Wong, Alejandro J. Estudillo, Ian D. Stephen, David R. T. Keeble (2021). The other‑race effect and holistic processing across racial groups. Scientific Reports, 11(8507).
Alejandro J. Estudillo, Jasmine Kar Wye Lee, Neil Mennie, Edwin Burns (2020). No evidence of other‐race effect for Chinese faces in Malaysian non‐Chinese population. Applied Cognitive psychology, 34(1).
Alejandro J. Estudillo, Markus Bindemann (2016). Multisensory stimulation with other-race faces and the reduction of racial prejudice. Consciousness and Cognition, 42.

Principal Academic in Psychology
My research interests include face and object recognition, numerical cognition, neuropsychology, etc.