Source Themes

Commentary My face or yours? Event-related potential correlates of self-face processing

The own face is our most distinctive physical feature and the paramount representation of our own identity. In contrast to other pieces of self-related information, such as the own name, the own face is not shared with other people, and it is more …

Is place-value processing in four-digit numbers fully automatic? Yes, but not always

Knowing the place-value of digits in multi-digit numbers allows us to identify, understand and distinguish between numbers with the same digits (e.g., 1492 vs. 1942). Research using the size congruency task has shown that the place-value in a string …

Multisensory stimulation with other-race faces and the reduction of racial prejudice

This study investigated whether multisensory stimulation with other-race faces can reduce racial prejudice. In three experiments, the faces of Caucasian observers were stroked with a cotton bud while they watched a black face being stroked in …

Automaticity in subtractions depends on problem-size

The evidence showing that simple multiplications and additions can be solved by direct retrieval is considerable. However, evidence about division and subtraction is less compelling. By using a cross-operation interference paradigm, the present …

Generalization across View in Face Memory and Face Matching

While a change in view is considered to be one of the most damaging manipulations for facial identification, this phenomenon has been measured traditionally with tasks that confound perceptual processes with recognition memory. This study explored …

The involvement of working memory in mental arithmetic problem solving: the case of dyscalculia

To solve arithmetic problems, humans need to deal with several pieces of information. The working memory system actively stores and manipulates information. For this reason, it seems plausible that this system is involved in solving arithmetic …

Facial Memory: The Role of the Pre-Existing Knowledge in Face Processing and Recognition

Faces are visual stimuli full of information. Depending upon the familiarity with a face, the information we can extract will differ, so the more familiarity with a face, the more information that can be extracted from it. The present article reviews …

Masked transposition effects for simple versus complex nonalphanumeric objects

When two letters/digits/symbols are switched in a string (e.g., jugde–judge; 1492–1942; *?$&–*$?&), the resulting strings are perceptually similar to each other and produce a sizable masked transposition priming effect with the masked priming …